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can an emergency Pa work two full time jobs?

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Because emergency medicine pas work about three shifts a week (or 12 shifts a month), it seems like they are able to pick up another full time job if they want. Can an emergency medicine Pa work two full time jobs? and are emergency medicine pa jobs readily available esp. in the Midwest (Michigan, Indiana, etc) ? can emergency pa handle working in a full time emergency pa as well as a full time family practice job or the two field are just two different to be able to do a good job in both?


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Theoretically one could work 7 days a week if you wanted to. I knew an EM attending who worked 6-7 days a week for 3 years after her residency and paid off all her student loans while living very frugally. Then she reverted to working 3/4 time and traveled and recreated.

I think your limiting factors are sleep, family time, commuting and scheduling. 

Also take into consideration that while your income goes up, so doesnt your tax burden. Make sure you maximize all the deductions you can get such as pretax retirement contributions. All that income seems for naught when you end up paying uncle sam several thousand at the end of the year. 

Double check the PA statutes in your state. I have known several individuals whom have worked for different employers in their state and have inadvertently violated state statute governing their practice due to not understanding some technicality concerning multiple employers and the effect on their license.

For many years I had my primary gig and then a part time or per diem gig on the side. Retrospectively, I think all I gained was a little more money, less time for myself and getting rather cranky at times due to no down time. Now I just work the full time gig and watch expenditures and budget.

G Brothers PA-C

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Two full time EM jobs does not sound practical. I think it is a much better QOL to work in the EM and prn somewhere else or perhaps part time. If you are working 6 or even 5 12's especially days and night I think you will crash and burn hard and it's also likely unsafe for your PTs. So I'd either go for a high salaried job that works you a lot of hours, or stick to EM and pick up an extra couple shifts at another ER or UC clinic.

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