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How do i know if i am READY for PANCE!! (again)

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Hi Everyone, 

I have taken PANCE and Failed unfortunately. I am getting ready to take it again in a week but am worried. 

So far i have done KAPLAN Review, CME 5 day course, KAplan 60? blocks averaging 50-70%, PAncemaster 70% PAckrats 160-170

I have been looking for newer packrats like #17 but don't know where to find it. It is worrisome because i keep reading people post things like how questions on PANCE are more difficult than packrats etc. Honestly even tho i took PANCE once before my anxiety got the best of me and i do not remember a thing! 

Has anyone taken the PANCE within this past month? IF so how were you averaging on practice questions and how did it turn out for PANCE?

Thank you so much!! :)

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Listen take it easy, don't become anxious because you will get the same results and you don't want that since you studied so hard for it. When I prepared for my PANCE my Kaplan scores were 60s-high 70s. My pancemaster score was 70% and packrat was 156, and 142. You have been getting the same as what I'm getting and even doing better than me on packrats. If you get anxious you will forget everything, and since its a timed test you will freak out and not think straight. I took my PANCE in June and I did the same prep as you did and I was fine. I read the AAPA book twice before I took the test. I went in there hoping for the best and praying A LOT. I wish you the best, keep us updated.  

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