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The American Association of Surgical PAs will again offer a meeting designed only for those interested in or actively apply to PA School. This seminar will include amazing insights on the profession, and its training and future. Great  interview tips and a chance for one-on-one time with PAs who work on admissions committees are included. Bring a draft of your essay!
AASPA is proud to be one of the first professional PA organizations to host a seminar specifically tailored to helping people realize their dreams of becoming a Physician Assistant. You will spend two hours with thought leaders in the PA profession learning specific information to strengthen your PA application and interview. We know what admission committees want to hear! 

You will meet PAs who are serving or who have served on PA Program admission committees from a variety of different programs. 

Attending an AASPA Pre-PA meeting looks amazing on a CASPA application, or drop a line during your interview. You will receive a great certificate to add to caspa or add to your application file! 

Here is the info: 
Date: Thursday October 23, 2014, Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm.


Hilton Union Square, San Francisco 


Registration link: 


This amazing seminar will include:
-Overview of the PA Profession
-PA Profession news that all applicants need to know 
-Essentials of Academic prerequisites
-Health care/patient care prerequisites 
-How to deal with CASPA 
-PA-wanna-be essays
-How to stand out as an applicant
-One on one and group Q & A session
-and much more! 

Attending this seminar you will receive:
Unique certificate of attendance suitable for listing on any PA application
Copies of all PowerPoint slides and lecture materials
One on one opportunities to speak with PAs serving on admission committees 

$75 - online registration 

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