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Valued Job qualifications

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I've been reading some of the threads on here about practice and pay. As a new PA student I feel we are told gpa doesn't really count. They (schools) mainly emphasize us getting through. Residencies also seem to evaluate candidates on gpa though. All of this leaves me a little confused.


How important is gpa really, and I guess the difference between gpas? (ie a 3.34 versus a 3.42, etc)

As a new grad what are the most important aspects we can expect to be evaluated on?

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I think an A in the didactic year over a B - shows better understanding of material and probably means something for a residency. But I thin A vs A- or B+ may not matter as much when looking int a residency. I do not sit on ANY residency admin committee so take this for what it is worth but I would imagine they are very interested in performance on clinical rotations, letters of recommendations, and demonstrated interest in specialty. If I wanted an ED residency you better believe I would be a student member of SEMPA, elective ED related rotations, maybe a student interest club etc. . 

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