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2014-15 Application Cycle

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I'm coming from Central Oregon! There is a recent graduate named Kate Willis who did a rotation at the hospital here in Bend and I had a chance to talk to her quite a bit about the program. She had nothing but great things to say about the faculty, her classmates and also the campus. She took her boards last week and she already has a hospitalist job lined up here in Bend!

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Current Rocky PA student here. Cadavers are prosected. There are cadavers available to the PA students and have been dissected in order to show relevant, pertinent structures. It's 4 weeks of A&P all day, 5 days per week. By the end, you'll be glad you didn't actually dissect the cadavers yourself. More time is then available during the year for learning actual medicine. Hope that helps.

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I don't know if the class is full. Everything kind of shuffles once interviews are over and people make their final decisions about places...I know that probably 10 kids in the class got in off the active list(not exactly sure but I think it was around there). As far as scholarships go...you have to find those on your own. Most of us are on federal/grad plus loans. They give you more than enough loans to cover tuition and living. There are scholarships out there to apply for, but you have to do the work :( 

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That makes sense.  10 seems like a lot for a 36 student class! Margia said the list will be ranked after the first week of March.  Can't come soon enough! 


So far thats what I have been hearing from multiple programs is that you have to look for the scholarships yourself.  Will definitely look out for those.  


Also, have you started your clinical rotations yet?  I'm curious about how lenient they are with where you want to go and if you could set up your own rotation.

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They are pretty lenient on where you can go and have rotations all over. They will try to work with you if you have a preceptor that you would like to work with. They won't let you "set up" your own, but will contact a potential preceptor for you and try to make it work. They want you to get the best clinical experience possible and take your interests seriously!

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