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FREE advice for using the Q banks to your best advantage

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I don't care WHAT Q bank you use (some are better than others) but most of you are not using any Q banks to their best advantage !


The most common thing I see (as faculty for almost 20 years) is that people just continue to do quiz after quiz after quiz -- then read, read, read -- then quiz, quiz, quiz.  And then are disappointed when their scores don't improve.


Three things you must do to help the test TEACH YOU.


1) time yourself --- and take it ONLINE --- for those of you (and you know who you are) that prefer paper tests and like not having the anxiety of being timed -- I will tell you what I told my boys as they grew up --- too bad, tough --- you MUST take a timed ONLINE test for the NCCPA -- so why would you NOT practice on a timed, online test.  I promise you, there is a skill set independent of the medical knowledge in taking an online test -- particularly students whose schools did paper test, and all of us recerts who have not had to take an online test since our last PANCE/PANRE exam.


2) When you take a quiz -- have a piece of paper next to you.  On that piece of paper, jot down the numbers for the Q's you are doing (i.e. if 30 Q quiz, have 1-30 on a piece of paper).  As you take the quiz, you will know some, make educated guesses on some, be stuck between two apparently correct answers, and have no flipping clue about others!     So, use the quiz to its best advantage.   If Q 5 makes you stuck between A & C --- pick one of them (50/50 chance is damn good on the PANCE/PANRE!)    then on your piece of paper, jot down the OTHER answer (you pick A, and then jot down C) so that when you finish the quiz you can see how you did -- and EVEN IF YOU GET IT CORRECT --- you then go over that question to figure out WHY your answer was correct (or incorrect if you chose the wrong one).  If you do a total guess -- jot down G for guess --- so that you know you guessed, especially IF YOU GOT IT CORRECT BY GUESSING.  Human nature is such that we only go over the questions we get WRONG -- we don't look at the ones we got CORRECT


3) After you quiz is finished and you have gone over all the questions, stop and think about the quiz.  WHAT TOPICS did you not get?   If you did a pulmonary test, was it asthma that you don't know how to chronically manage?  You had 4 questions and either guessed or got them incorrect?  Then ASTHMA is your topic for the day.  If you got asthma all correct, but couldn't identify the appropriate antimicrobial for pneumonias -- then THAT is what you "learn" or relearn.



There is a way to pass this test by using all those resources you have already purchased ---- and I am willing to help.  If you found this useful, visit my FREE blog for other PANCE/PANRE pearls         jackiekazik.tumblr.com


I am dedicated to helping people pass these exams, which are so far removed from anything Family Practice any more that I am completely disheartened....but pass you will!  if you study RIGHT!



Anyone else have other advice that you have discovered?


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