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How has health related/ community service experiences influenced my decision to become a PA

Over the course of my academic career I have always found myself engaged in some sort of community service. In high school I helped with the boy’s basketball program for my church, and once I got to college I became a member of Alpha Phi Omega, a national Co-ed Community Service Fraternity.  As a member of this organization I have been able to impact the lives of many in the Trenton Area, through donations to the soup kitchens, tutoring high school students, and helping with ESL classes. Seeing the gratitude and happiness in the faces of those impacted by my services is so rewarding and just furthered solidified my desire to want to be a catalyst in the lives of others.

As I participated in shadowing and interning in the medical field, I saw how the doctors and PAs treat patients and make them instantly feel better. Watching and actively participating along side the physicians in treating and examining patients gave me a taste of the field. For example, I was able to take vitals, medical histories, and observe orthopedic surgeries. This small glimpse that I acquired by shadowing solidified my desire for becoming a PA.


Approach to academic career and how it has prepared you to be a successful PA

            During my time at The College of New Jersey I have tried many different approaches to studying and staying on top of my work. I know that no matter what gets thrown my way that my academics are always first. With this mentality I came up with this plan on handling course load. Before each class I read the topic being discussed in class. Then I take very detailed notes on the lecture and record the lectures. After class I go back to the textbook, read and take notes on everything discussed in class and listen to the recording to catch anything I may have missed in class. When it comes close to exam, about a week before, I go to the library and study every night for hours on end. In doing this system I have seen mostly positive results. This approach ensures that I am looking at the material everyday and constantly staying on top of it, and it helps me to maintain a full understanding of each course. I will continue to take this approach in PA school to make sure I am knowledgeable of the material.


Strengths and weaknesses

            Throughout my life I have been known as the person who is extremely dedicated and passionate in everything I do. For example, as the publicity chair for Alpha Phi Omega I am in charge of designing posters, flyers, table tents, and banners for all of our events. Although my position lacks authority I still take it very seriously. When I need to create a design I put all my effort into it, to ensure that it is perfect and fulfills the requirements that are asked of me.

However aside from being dedicated, I tend to focus too much on one thing and disregard everything else that is happening around me. For example, when I have an essay due in a week, I want it to be absolutely perfect. I will focus all of my time on that. During this time I zone everything and everyone out, even if something of importance comes up. However, since I know this is a major flaw in my personality and work habits, I try to monitor myself. When I do catch myself I try to take a step back and make sure that all other tasks I need to do, are accomplished as well.



There are many aspects of the PA program at UMDNJ that have made this university my first choice. At TCNJ no class has more than 48 students per class. Since the program admits about 50 students per year, I know that this aspect that I have become accustomed and appreciative of, will remain. As a NJ resident I would like to continue my education instate and attending UMDNJ will allow me to do so. I have talked to numerous students that are currently enrolled or recent graduates, all have said that all the professors push their students to excel and want their students to be the best prepared PAs.  The three-year curriculum allows for more time to fully absorb and practice all of the teachings. I enjoy this length because it will allow for more exploration in the field and self-growth.  Finally, over the past 7 years the program’s first time takers pass rate has not fallen below 95%, and each year your percentage of students that pass is higher than the national pass rate. This just shows me how well prepared your students are when taking the PANCE.


Describe your exposure to PAs in clinical practice.

In 2005 my brother was admitted to the hospital after he stopped breathing at 10 days old. During his stay at the hospital we encountered numerous PAs.  The PAs were the ones checking in on my brother and kept us well informed of what was going on; we rarely saw the doctor. Those PAs at Capital Health always kept us at ease also. It was evident that the PAs in the hospital were just as intelligent and knowledgeable of various treatments and tests that were being conducted on my brother to discover his diagnosis.

Aside from that experience with PAs, I also shadowed PA Nicole in orthopedics. She was extremely caring towards her patients. While in the exam room she conducted various physical tests to determine what was wrong with the patient. She then told the doctor what her primary diagnosis was and he would verify her diagnosis. In many instances she was correct.  I found it fascinating how she was able assist on the orthopedic surgeries. At the conclusion of the surgery Nicole was able to suture the incision. Prior to surgery PA Nicole would call the hospitals to ensure all the proper tools were available at the hospital.


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