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Switching Specialties

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I wanted to see if I could get some opinions on this.


I graduated PA school about a year ago and have been working in orthopedics since. I do enjoy it, however I am extremely interested in primary care and specialties such as Endocrine and GI since I do have a background in diabetes education, nutrition and wellness prior to PA school. I would eventually like to work in these fields as opposed to orthopedics.


I was wondering how difficult it is to switch from a specialty like ortho to primary care or one of these specialties? Would I be qualified for one of these jobs if I wait too long to switch (ie. Would I get an interview or get a job)? If I wait too long since graduation and haven't seen this material in a while how difficult is it to relearn this material? I am concerned that if I work in ortho for 2 or 3 years I won't remember this material, it would be difficult to relearn, I would lose clinical skills and nobody will be interested in hiring me.


Also, I have been trying to review material from PANCE review courses that I had to continue to keep my mind fresh on non orthopedic topics. I figured this may also make it easier for me to transition eventually from ortho to one of these fields. I welcome thoughts and suggestions on this. Your time and help is appreciated.

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