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Looking for a Little Guidance

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So I'm typing this as I take a break from writing my personal statements, but looking through this website and some of the topics is making me question what I've been doing so far and if I'm really making myself as competitive as possible for applications. I'm going into my senior year. I'm an XC/track athlete at my school as well, which takes up a ton of time year round that could have been spent otherwise. Here's what I've got:


 Biology major with a 3.71 GPA, (haven't calculated my science GPA just yet but I think its a bit higher than that)

I've worked 800+ hours as a Direct Support Professional with adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a paid position

Shadowed about 10 hours with various PAs (not much but it's been a few hours here and there)

Opportunity for an internship this Fall at a medical laboratory near my school

Tutor students in science and math classes during the school year


It's not much, and I'm not asking about my chances here, I just want to know how I can make myself look better as an applicant with what time I have left. Any advice? I'd really appreciate some input! Thanks!





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You can improve your candidacy by:

  1. Do some community service (not a few hours....but 50-100?) - volunteering
  2. Direct Patient Care/Health Care Experience (500-3K hours) - EMT, CNA, Phlebotomist, Patient Care Tech, etc...
  3. Join a club at your Uni. even though it will be for a few months.
  4. Increase the amount of shadowing hours you have

Keep in mind...you're about to graduate, and everything I listed above takes quite a while to achieve (6 mos. - 2 yrs).

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Ok thank you so much for your help. For volunteering I can definitely set something up for the rest of summer/school year. As for HCE, I thought my current job would count as I do administer some medications, transport, and feed some patients. If not l guess I'll have to wait a year and start over completely..,And for clubs I'm involved in a sorority, NCAA sport, and several clubs so I guess I've got that too.

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