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job prospect in Aesthetic Job

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I'm a teacher and earn 43k after 7 years in the profession. Can soemone tell me what I'm looking at starting at during my first year in Aesthetics. I will be taking medical aesthetics this June, and hope to be done by December. What are my job prospects? :)


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Hi Ginger, I think it is the Best Profession because we are helping other people feel better about themselves. Your income potential is up to you 

and how you conduct your business. There is nothing wrong with starting out working at a Spa, or Salon, for $10.00 per hour, so that you can 

see how things work, I also consult with other Aestheticians at their practices, to improve and increase their businesses .You can check, The 

National Association of Laser and Aesthetics (NALA),is a certified medical aesthetician training that will help you in cosmetic Laser profile.For 

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