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First draft of my narrative. Any thoughts would be really helpful! Thank you!

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I remember sitting on the floor in the front of the room during an introductory athletic training course learning the in's and out's of spineboarding athletes, and thinking to myself, "I really hope I never have to do this to somebody." Of course, I did. It was this past year on a cold day in October at a local youth soccer tournament. In a moment I felt happened in slow motion, a goalie managed to bang his head into the goal post in a save attempt, and immediately laid motionless on the ground. As I ran towards him I could see that he was conscious, so next on my list was to rule out neck injury. As I stabilized his head and began conversing with him, it was the point tenderness over the cervical spine that did it. When the ambulance arrived with the spineboard, I lead the group in instruction, lifting the athlete and making sure he was secure, while maintaining that his consciousness, breathing, and heartrate were intact. After sending him on his way and calming a few worried parents, I finally had a moment to myself to take in what happened. I realized how far I've come from that day in class, to the confident health care professional that I've grown to be. 



It is experiences like this one that truly test my knowledge and ability to make decisions under pressure. In becoming a licensed athletic trainer, I have accepted the responsibility for the well-being of others, and have found it to be rewarding in more ways than one. I have felt the satisfaction of helping an athlete through successful rehabilitation to the look on their faces when a new tape job cures all of their problems. I have a passion for athletic training and all that goes along with it, and I feel that it has opened up a whole new world of knowledge and opportunities for me. My experiences as a health care professional have inspired me to continue to grow in my abilities to help others and my knowledge of the human body. While I am orthopedically oriented, I have found that the general medical aspects of my training and career have sparked my interest the most. That is how I found myself exploring the option of PA school a few years ago. 


Neil de Grasse Tyson, an American astrophysicist, once said, "For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you." I think these words are at the center of what it means to be a PA. Becoming a PA means having a passion for learning that cannot be taught. It could mean hours of studying and practicing, but they will ultimately be worth it in order to "lessen the suffering of others" in the long run. I cannot think of any better opportunity out there in which I can better myself while helping others at the same time. I know there is so much more to see, learn, and to be a part of outside of Maryland. I hope to find myself working with those underprivileged in other countries I have yet to experience or here in the United States. I see PA school as an opportunity to expose myself to other parts of the country, and hopefully other parts of the world once I am established. I want nothing more than to carry my knowledge and desire to care for others into PA school and then out into as many corners of the world as I can.
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