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starting off in peds ED

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Soon to be new grad invited to apply for an open position full time pediatric ED after a rotation experience I had there. If I were to receive the position and work f/t in pediatric emergency medicine, would I be putting myself at a disadvantage in any way further down the road if I decide to work in adult medicine (ED or other specialty) or a community hospital ED setting? It's a 3 day/week work schedule and would love to take on a per diem position in adult medicine, but probably not until I get my feet pretty wet at the first job. I know advice has been given out here for new grads to try and stay in PC or emergency medicine to get a broad based fund of knowledge right after graduation. 

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Guest Paula

If you get a contract for the peds position make sure you do not have a no-compete clause in  it that would prohibit you from working per diem at another job.  I worked two jobs right out of school.  One in family practice and the other in ER/UC.  It was the best thing I did as I learned a lot from both settings.  

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Is the job at a children's hospital? If not, maybe after you show yourself to be a great PA in pedi, your attending can put in a good word so you can pick up occasional per diem shifts on the adult side.


This is a bit hard as a new grad, because your learning curve will be much steeper if you only see adults twice a month.


If you're not interested in staying in peds long term, I'd probably try to get an broader EM position. My ER has us doing main/adult, urgent care, and pedi. I couldn't ask for a better scope!


If you like peds, though, then go for it.

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