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Chiropractor to PA......you guys out there??

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I am a chiropractor, 9 years, and applying to PA school. I did not realize there were apparently other chiro-to-PAs out there!


If you're out there, I have a question(s)....


Im concerned on how my HCE as a chiro is viewed to admission committees. How did your application process go? Did you feel your hours as a chiro were viewed as equal to a nurse, EMT/medic, MA....ect.?


Im contemplating contacting the programs I would like to apply to this upcoming cycle and asking the very question: "how does your program view my hours as a chiro?" Or will my hours as an EMT hold more weight.....unfortunately.


I personally think it would be ridiculous to not think direct patient contact as a chiro would not hold the same across the HCE board!


Thanks for your input and discussion.

I don't have any direct knowledge, as I haven't applied to any PA programs (yet?). But I would find it hard to believe that 9 years of seeing patients as a chiropractor wouldn't count as healthcare experience. Although chiropractic is "outside" the medical system per se, you have had the opportunity to take countless histories, perform countless examinations, discuss with patients their various medical co-morbidities, interact with MDs regarding your patients' conditions, order and integrate diagnostic studies, and formulate diagnoses and treatment plans. You've sat knee-to-knee with these people, looked them in the eye, and have touched them in a professional fashion. You've empathized with them regarding their situations and have given healthcare-related advice countless times. You've impacted lives in your capacity as a healthcare professional.


Those 9 years count, in my humble opinion.

I agree discogenic.... hoping there are some members out there that see this that use to practice and have gone thru PA admissions and school. Curious to how they were viewed


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