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Pre-req Errors

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I'm having some issues with PA programs initially stating that my pre-requisite courses will suffice (via email) then deciding during the review process that my courses no longer suffice. My situation involves A&P- I took the classes separately at my undergraduate university then continued to take additional classes to meet specific program's requirements.


Here is what I've taken: Physiology (5 credit lecture + lab), Anatomy (3 credit lecture only) and Online Anatomy Lab (2cr lab only) and A&PI (4 credit lecture + lab).


Schools have approved this before I apply then during the review process have stated the initial approval was an oversight and I'm not eligible for their program. Has anyone else ran into similar issues? I've spent $200 and a considerable amount of time applying to schools that I don't actually have the prerequisite requirements for.

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What do they say is the issue? You need A&P II? Perhaps they don't know if your courses are repeating the same material (systems) and whether you have covered everything that would be in a 2 semester sequence. If you have, then providing syllabi may help. Otherwise, why not take A&P II?

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Thanks Wet Dog- I'll definitely send them my syllabi, that's a great idea!


Yes, the issue is that I need to take A&P II. Although it would be a wonderful review there are many reasons why I don't want to take the class. First and foremost is that it is physically impossible for me to take A&P II before the date all pre-reqs must be completed by unless I take A&PI and A&PII at the same time (which is not possible for me unless I quit my full time job and find a part time one). I also will already have 14 credits of A&P and taking A&PII is a major commitment of time and money.


Basically, if I'd known I didn't meet the A&P requirements- I wouldn't have applied to these schools during this cycle because there was no possible way I would have met their prerequisite requirements by the programs' deadlines.


Anyone else have this issue or have any suggestions on how to approach it? I may just have to withdraw my application, but I also want to bring it to their attention that this is a problem.

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Does the school you are applying to allow distance courses? I took A&P I & II through Mayville State University. They send you the rats, brains, eyes, etc for your dissections. I can't remember what the cost was though. What is your deadline for having the class? Why would you need to take A&P I and II at the same time if you already have I? I am just trying to clarify/help you think through it. Sometimes when we are stressed we overcomplicate things ;)

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Oooh yeah- I do need to clarify. And I completely agree that when we are stressed we over-complicate things! I'm taking A&PI this fall (classes start Monday!) The deadline for having A&PI and A&PII is the end of Dec 2013. I think its too late to sign up for anymore classes in the fall anyways.


I have another question about contacting schools- For one school I got the email saying "You're missing A&P requirements" and I emailed back within the hour forwarding the email I'd received from the program saying my courses would suffice. It's been 3 days and I haven't heard if they are looking into it or anything. I'm wondering if I should call and make sure they're looking into it or not?


On a side note- I just got an interview invite for George Washington University! So hopefully if that goes well I won't have to worry about this anymore (although it still was a waste of my money).

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