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Struggling with Personal Statement

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Hi, I apologize if this topic has already been covered.

I am applying with a low GPA. I have read that you should use the PS to shed light on the weak portions of your application so that the reviewers can get a better idea of WHY your application is lacking in that area. My problem is-I didn't have any sort of life altering events, etc happen, and my GPA made a decline rather than getting better. I was just immature and worked too many hours to keep up with my studies. I'm hoping someone can help me figure out a way to mention this in a positive light in my essay. Also, how do I go about mentioning this without it sounding bland or unoriginal?

Thanks in advance!

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Making your narrative not sound bland or unoriginal should be something that is up to you. I saw that there are editors you can hire to help for this specific type of thing but I hate the idea of people doing that for personal statements. I've also been struggling with what to put in my statement, as I too did not have a single event that steered me in the PA direction. Perhaps you should say why you're willing to spend an enormous amount of time and resources in school for something, and why the profession matters to you? As for the GPA, as long it wasn't too steep of a drop you might be able to explain it with the inability to adequately prepare for your classes due to other important responsibilities. Sorry if this isn't much help, good luck!

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I also have a low GPA because of my first bachelors. I would just state the truth that you were not focused on school and made poor decisions but learned from your mistakes. Most important is to highlight your improvements and keep it short; maybe 2-3 sentences. Most school have supplemental application where you can go more in depth into your low GPA, questions like "Anything else we should consider when reviewing your application?"

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The way that I look the personal statement is that it is part of your PAPER application and so you must be as descriptive as possible on explaining any deficiencies in your application without bringing down the whole packet. I was a less than committed student during my undergrad time and mentioned that it was simply due to a lack of maturity and appreciation for the opportunities that I had. However, I did explain that I have learned from those mistakes and that my life experiences and my post-bacc GPA show that the person that I am today is not who I was.


At my last interview, I was asked what my weaknesses are and again, I took the opportunity to cite my grades, but turned it into a positive with explaining my post-bacc GPA, experience and attitude changes. This not only allowed me to clarify it again any potentially lingering doubts/negatives that they have, but also showed who I am as a person in being to be critical of myself and acknowledging my faults.


The key is to acknowledge, but not let the whole PS be brought down by the negative aspects.


Hope that helps.

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