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Dual malpractice coverage?

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I carry my own coverage for about 4 years to cover (a) my own interests, and (b) part-time activities not related to my full-time job. I recently started a new full-time gig, with one of the benefits being paid malpractice coverage. When my new doc was talking with her carrier they said a couple of things that strike me as strange (to say the very least).


1) I must have my current policy exclude my new practice from their policy. If I don't, they will charge her an extra fee for me to carry double-coverage. The explanation is some nonsense about having to figure out which policy would be responsible in the event of a claim.


2) If she chooses to pay for increased limits on my personal policy to meet the coverage limits specified by the corporation, then she has to pay something like $1400-$1500 as some sort of a penalty.


In my opinion these are both crap, and nobody I've spoken with has ever heard of this. I could maybe understand #2 if there was some sort of a contract the practice has with the agent/carrier and the contract has an exclusivity clause, but she says there is no such contract in place.


If anyone can shed light on this situation - or point us to somewhere that we can find that info - we would both appreciate it greatly!

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