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Part-Time Psych Position

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I'm a new graduate and I've been offered a part-time psych position, where I'll be responsible for H/Ps and medical management follow-ups. I haven't signed a formal offer yet, but I have a bit of hesitation and would like y'alls input. I'll be paid $50/hour, but only for the patients I actually see. This was confusing for me and this is how they explained it. If I'm scheduled a health assessment, those usually take about 1 hour, so therefore I'd be paid for that hour IF the patient shows up. I get paid $50 for the health assessment whether it takes me 30 minutes or 90 minutes. That's the same for the f/ups which are paid at 30 minutes, meaning I'll be paid $25 for each actually f/u patient I see. This is concerning for me because I'm not sure if this is actually going to end up being worth my time in the long run. What is your input/advice?


BTW I have a full-time job in hospital medicine, paying me 95K. I only applied to the psych position because I'm TRULY interested in psych and didn't want to pass up the opportunity to get my foot in the door, and making some extra cash wasn't bad either :smile: But I don't want the psych job to end up being a distraction and burden from my full-time job.


Thanks for any input!

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