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Any Derm PA's willing to offer feedback?

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I am a new grad PA with her heart set on Derm! I am living in the Northeast. I was offered a job from a Dermatologist willing to train me. The starting salary is 75K + quarterly bonuses calculated as follows: payments received from my patient visits minus 2xsalary for the quarter, times 15%. As a new grad, I have no idea what "payments received from patient visits" amounts to. This is a 4 day work week with 2K for CME and 3 weeks vacation. Does this seem fair for a new grad?

Generally speaking, it's *always* a good idea to clarify any terms of your contract that you are unfamiliar with before you sign it. I am not a lawyer and unless you are, contact your State's PA society to see if they offer contract review services. If not, they could probably at the very least explain those terms that are unfamiliar. You might have a health care law firm in your area that you could pay to review the contract, as well.


Now is the time to clarify these terms and negotiate what you want in the contract before you sign it.

For sure have an attorney look over the contract, it's worth the money in the long run if you are really serious about this. The Base salary is pretty much at average for a new grad, and the cme and vacation look good...but get a an attorney to look at the contract.

You hit the jackpot!!!! A Dermatologist that's willing to train....obviously you're not in IL!!! Congrats to you and enjoy your career! Yes it not only sounds fair it sounds like a dream job. I've tried 3x to get into derm and they always choose the one with experience...lucky you.

As a Derm PA in the northeast, that's about right as a new grad (though 80K is better, you bonuses will more than make up the difference...don't get too caught up by the 75K especially if he is willing to train you).Clarify when you will begin billing....some Derms will have a grace period (to get you up to speed) when you don't get to charge, and are basically shadowing for the first 6-10 months). Get clarification on your quarterly bonus. Mine is a certain percentage of the gross charge for patient (my derm wanted to simplify the math, so its based on billed, not collected charges).

3 weeks is great, CME is on par. Ask about malpractice insurance and make sure you're included on his policy.


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