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Quick tip for PA students on rotations..

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Buddy up with the anesthesiologist/CRNA!


I have gotten some awesome opportunities to practice intubating, learn about sedation/conscious sedation, play with the glide scope, etc. Got my first (near) perfect intubation with a straight blade today on a tough airway! (Lucky for me she was toothless, so I was less nervous around those pearlies).

I have yet to meet a CRNA who has not been fantastic, not only about explaining and teaching their amazing skillset, but really inviting to come in and practice. I'm doing my women's health right now, and since we have surgery on Tuesdays, I get to do airway stuff before I scrub in. The other day I got a 45 minute tutorial about epidurals and intrathecals, next time I might get to do some of the local or the spinal catheter.


Just remember, it never hurts to ask!!


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