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PA Advice and the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps

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Currently a 20 year old at CC weighing a variety of clinical careers. Right now I'm deciding between PA, nursing, and clinical psychology. I'm apprehensive about nursing because of how impacted virtually all the programs are and how crappy the employment situation is for new grads. I'm also apprehensive about psych (even though I'm fascinated by it) because of the APA-internship crisis which is leaving a ton of graduate students without internships and thus stuck in the system waiting to practice to the extent where they spend the same amount of time from undergrad to licencing as a physician.


Yes, I know I'm young. From lurking this place, I've seen many a PA say "if you're in your 20's, go to med school." It's very smart advice as I've got a ton of time, but I feel in my gut that I don't have enough stake in the profession of physician to constitute an intrinsic drive strong enough to push me through the absolutely horrid rigors of med school and residency. In short, I simply don't WANT the title of physician and all it entails (the autonomy, the prestige, the salary, along with the massive debt, the insane malpractice costs, and overwhelming responsibility of having the buck stop with you in EVERY situation) enough to be completely sure that THAT is what I desire to do with my life.


Oh yeah, and don't get me wrong, I intend to shadow these various professions at some point. And if I ultimately decide to pursue PA, I will gain HCE via CNA or MA cert (can't do EMT due to motion sickness lol).


I am also interested in the USPHS Commissioned Corps. I value what they do immensely - the disaster relief, the work with returning service members and veterans, the work with the undeserved. It seems like an awesome opportunity to serve my country. And the benefits really don't hurt either, despite the lack of salary comparable to equivalent civilian positions. Oh, and before you ask, I can't do the military route - I'm a med sep (not a fraudulent enlistment) from MCRD with very mild exercise induced asthma that was apparently exaggerated while I PT'd with bronchitis. Reenlistment code is RE-3P, so unless someone comes up with a cure for asthma, I won't be going back in lol. Already checked with the USPHS and asthma is not an auto DQ if controlled.


So...I guess my questions are to you guys: is PA a worthy career for young folks? You think age is a defining factor on if I'll end up regretting my decision if I go the PA route vs the MD/DO route, even if I don't have enough of a desire in the physician profession to push myself through med school and residency?


Also, what do you guys know about the USPHS? Any of you serve in the USPHS or interact with its commissioned officers? Know any PAs in the USPHS? Are they very limited in scope because of the SP relationship?

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