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Rounds During Residency Interview

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I have an upcoming interview for a residency and they've informed me that part of the day will be spent with the team in their daily rounds. I've read many of the other posts on here about residency/fellowship interviews and how they were mostly "getting to know you" questions and not knowledge questions. I was wondering if anyone has participated in rounds as part of their interview though and if it was more of an observational role or whether pimping is fair game just like in school? Thank you!

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this post is from 2022 and you have already probably gone on this interview lol but thought I'd reply in case others are looking for answers. 


I have not participated in an interview that includes rounds. However, I will say that I'm part of the board for a PA residency and if we were to incorporate that I think the main purpose would be to assess the following: to see how well prepared the candidate is (notebook, pen, patient list in hand), observe interactions with the team/patients, do they have meaningful contributions to the conversation, what kinds of questions they have, and their base knowledge. I think pimping questions are fair game but it is not the time to try and make the candidate uncomfortable or nervous. After all, they are seeking a residency to advance their knowledge so I don't expect them to know it all. I hope this helps

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