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HELP!! Will MEDICAL ASST license/exp look good with PA schools?

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I was hoping anyone with any kind of experience on this matter could offer me some advice. I am thinking of applying to a medical assistant program so I can get my license and use that as my health care experience. It's an 8-month program and accredited. It sounds like it would be a great opportunity but I"m not sure how it would look with PA schools. Will PA schools like the fact that I have that kind of experience and would it increase my chances in getting accepted? My GPA isn't the best so I really have to try to compensate in other areas so I'm thinking experience and GRE would be the areas. Can PA's and even anyone with information help me & tell me what I should do? THANK YOU SO MUCH.

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What is your gpa? esp your core science gpa? CMA is an excellent way of getting hce. Some people will say that their gpa isn't that high and it's 3.5. Other people will say their gpa is high and it's 3.2. ADCOMMs look at more than gpa, but gpa still is high on the list b/c the programs are tough and move fast. But back to your question CMA is good hce.

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You will get more responses on this topic if you post in the pre-PA section. This area is for current PA students. In regards to your question: I would even consider looking for MA positions that will allow on-the-job training. That's the path I took after graduating with my bachelors, and it provided incredible experience, not to mention avoiding the tuition. I had a very low GPA, and I want to believe that my MA experience overshadowed my years of immaturity in undergrad :-) Best of luck

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