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Workplace Incivility Study

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If you are an Emergency Medicine PA, do you experience workplace incivility?  If so, would you be willing to talk about it as part of an IRB approved research project?

I have been an EMPA for most of my 20+ year career.  During the course of my doctoral studies I became very interested in the concept of resilience among those of us who work on the front end of trauma management.  Initially, I thought I wanted to focus on the impact of our exposure to trauma and death.  However, the more I looked at my own experiences in the ER and the more I researched related issues such as compassion fatigue and burnout, I became more interested in something called workplace incivility, or WI.  WI is different from aggression, violence or overt hostility.  It is, by its very definition, more subtle.  Examples of WI would be having your thoughts/comments marginalized, being ignored, or eye-rolling/arm folding in response to a comment or suggestion.  These are just a few examples and I realize that to some of you these seem like minor things.  However, research across various domains of industry confirms that these subtle events can have a significant impact on morale, productivity, and employee engagement/commitment, etc.

I feel strongly that the PA in general is an understudied member of the medical community.  Most studies on PA's are focused on either productivity or patient safety.  There are very few studies that examine the work experiences of the PA.  Additionally, many studies do not study the PA specifically.  Rather, they tend to group PAs with NPs and other "non-physician staff".  To the best of my knowledge, this will be the first study to examine workplace incivility that is specific to the PA's experience.

If you are interested in participating in this study, please feel free to contact me at jpm62@gwu.edu

I will send you more information about the study. 



Call For Participants.docx

Edited by rev ronin
Moderator add: Made email address a mailto: link for ease of response
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