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Name Change update.....from Minnesota

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Minnesota is doing what I asked. Hopefully they follow the wishes of the membership, whichever way that goes. That is all I have asked of them. DO what your membership wants, if they don't want the name change, then don't vote for it...but if they do......then the HOD delegates should vote as the membership wants.


They created a short survey. For purposes of clean data, I have removed the link, as it should only be MAPA PA's responding.


They listed pros and cons, then asked 5 questions. I hope that ALL state chapters are as open minded as Minnesota, and I congratulate them on polling their membership.


1.One of the original names for the profession was Physician Associate. Many current

PA's received their diploma with the Physician Associate title.


2. The current title of assistant can be misleading to the public and the consumer.


3. The title of "assistant" is commonly used to describe a technical job and not

a profession.


4. The "assistant" title does not accurately describe our current role in medicine.


5. The title "Associate" is used commonly with other titles: Associate professor,

Associate Dean, et and is already been accepted by the public.




1. There could be an increased cost to state and national organizations to make

a name change happen - where is the money going to come from?


2. There will likely need to be a change made within our laws if changing the name

of the profession - this could potentially open ourselves legally to more issues.


3.Calling a PA a physician associate does not describe their functions, skills,

or training any better than calling them physician assistant, and possibly worse.

We should not rename the profession with an even less specific term.


4. "Associate" means little more than "someone affiliated with," or someone "connected

with" someone else.


5. Changing the name will not change the public and professional acceptance of what

we do each and every day.6. It has taken a long time for the public to understand

the role of a PA. It's unwise to change the name now that the message is starting

to sink in.


6. This issue has repeatedly been debated in the AAPA HOD over the years and there

has never been enough convincing evidence that it was needed, and thus it has always

been defeated by the elected delegates.


1. After reviewing the information on the previous page, Do you support a name change for the profession?

Yes or No


2. Do you believe that a name change will better represent the profession and what we do?

Yes or No


3. How long have you been a practicing PA?

0-5 years

6-10 years

More than 10 years


4. Did your degree state Physician Assistant or Physician Associate?

Physician Assistant

Physician Associate


5. Please share your thoughts on changing the name of our profession.

Open ended response block.

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