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Non-Traditional Student, Taking it Slow

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I'm getting worried about the likelihood of being accepted to PA school. I am 24 years old, currently on the junior/senior line with my Bachelor's and hitting a "cross-road" so to speak. Currently my major is in Biology, but I'm finding that after taking the required Abnormal Psychology class (that the PA schools I'm looking at require, anyway) this semester that not only is it my highest grade but I'm more interested in completing my major in Psychology. I'm a non-traditional student, so going into college I didn't realize how helpful academic advisors really could be and kind of took my own route in classes based off of the requirements that I would look for online. That has left me with only four electives to complete and the remaining classes that I need are math and science related.

My academic ego got in my way this semester and I took 16 credit hours including Chem 2, Trig, Abnormal Psych and Cellular/Molecular Biology. Chemistry proved to be my extreme weak point and I had to drop it because the stress was causing me to not focus on my other classes as much as I should.

Since my college only offers Chem2 in the spring semester, I have to take it over this summer at a community college to ensure that I continue with my other classes as planned with my advisor. After this summer I've decided that I should take my classes part time so I'm not struggling with so many difficult classes all at once and getting high grades throughout. Also, I have considered taking an EMT-B training course this fall so I can work part time and earn those direct patience care hours.

I need some opinions. Do PA schools care how long it takes for one to achieve their Bachelor's degree? Is EMT-B too intense to be taking two or three college courses at the same time? I would be taking Organic Chem, Zoology and another psychology course. I appreciate all and any advice. Thank you!

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