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ACGME changes

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For those working at teaching hospitals and in services that have residents, do you expect any changes to your position (I believe they will go back to interns working 28 hours from 16 hours).


Met with my ICU director recently (as a courtesy to give me and the other PA a heads up) and informed that my department is likely to revert back to the ACGME work hours from five years ago (no data showing decreased mortality from residents working fewer hours and concern for more handoffs that my increase medical errors) with the two ICU PA positions being eliminated (as my position was created due to the shortened work hours).


I expect that most teaching hospitals will utilize interns more (and PAs less) but just curious what other people are experiencing. Profesionally, don't expect it will change the outlook for PAs much overall but expect some positions in metropolitan areas with teaching hospitals to have fewer PAs in those services that also have residents.

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For those working at teaching hospitals and in services that have residents, do you expect any changes to your position (I believe they will go back to interns working 28 hours from 16 hours).


Met with my ICU director recently (as a courtesy to give me and the other PA a heads up) and informed that my department is likely to revert back to the ACGME work hours from five years ago (no data showing decreased mortality from residents working fewer hours and concern for more handoffs that my increase medical errors) with the two ICU PA positions being eliminated (as my position was created due to the shortened work hours).


I expect that most teaching hospitals will utilize interns more (and PAs less) but just curious what other people are experiencing. Profesionally, don't expect it will change the outlook for PAs much overall but expect some positions in metropolitan areas with teaching hospitals to have fewer PAs in those services that also have residents.

They still have an 80 hour limit. Even if they let the interns work overnight then they have to take the hours somewhere else. For what its worth we have been under the old work hour rule and the interns still don't overnight. Its not safe and we would have to find an extra call room. 

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