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PA school while in the reserves?

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Hi, I just had a question that I can't seem to get answered anywhere else. Can you join the reserves in any branch while going to PA school? Most PA programs are 2-3 years, year round, so that would make the 2 weeks, and 1 weekend a month a tricky situation at times? Do schools or the reserves accomadate this? Also, if you have a bachelor's degree does that make a difference as to what you would enter the reserves as?(as far as rankings) Assuming I would still have to go to basic and technical training. thanks for your help

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I know employers need to accomodate by law, I would think Universities would too.


However, what if you have 3 exams and a paper due monday and you are doing your reserves the weekend prior??? Can you switch your reserve weekend? Can you schedule your 2 weeks (likely would need to be during semester break which the longest for me was during Christmas during your didatic year. During your clinicals in our program you got a 2 week vacation during your elective month. otherwise the ONLY 3 days you were gaurenteed off were Thanksgiving, Christmas, NewYears Day. All other days you could be scheduled.


Can it be done, maybe, but it could be tough even if the school accomodates. Remember in most programs anything below a 80% is failing. Good Luck!

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