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"Do you mean Physicians Assistant?"

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Interesting experience when I called a local teaching hospital looking for a PA to shadow.


(they have a few working in surgery specialties but since I couldn't contact them directly..I called the hospitals "education" dept)


I was put through and told the person on the other side:


"I'm applying to PA school and i'm a graduate of XYZ university (which runs the hospital)..I was interested in shadowing a Physician Assistant..and I wanted to know if this would be possible"






"No, a Physician Assistant, I know that there are a few in cardiothoracic surgery but I don't know their names"


"as far as I know we don't have any PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS..just leave me your info" blah blah


Now this isn't really going to get me anywhere (leaving my info), but I was appalled by the person's attitude and have no idea who it was. I did look up job openings for PAs at the hospital and they all say physician's assistant..meh


Any suggestions on how to proceed? I wasn't sure if it's appropriate to contact a PA working in a hospital directly to ask them about shadowing..especially since their info (email) isn't public

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