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Certificate vs Associates vs Master's

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Hello everyone,


I want to be a pa. I am looking at San joaquin valley college, beacuse im already going there for my Medical assistant certifcate so i can get a job and get the reuqired 2000 hours needed to apply to PA school.


Anyway, they have a certificate program but a masters is optional through another uni...(not sure how that will work or the time).


I was told that you can get a job with either a certificate or a master's (dont know of any that have Associates), but that things are moving in a direction where certificates will be obsolete and you wont be able to work if you have a cert and therefore have to get a master's?


Im assuming master;s programs will be harder to get in than certificates...


is it really worth it? I want to get in, do my stuff, get out and work. i cant wait to become a PA and help people.

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SJVC awards Associates. If you have a BS then during the clinical year you can do the master's option through St Francis. It is a separate program that can only be done during the clinical year and is not included in the tuition paid to SJVC. I think it's about 6k or so, not really sure but the PD at SJVC does all he can to assist those in my class that are doing this over the coming year. If you don't do the MS with St Francis there are other options such as Nova, U of Nebraska, AT Still and I think one more but not sure. At this point don't get caught up in the "THEY say" stuff about where things are moving in the PA world, your in California right now, California is a different animal in it's needs. Also don't assume anything, SJVC waded through 3 times the number applicants and interviews for the entering class of 2013, all PA schools are very competitive now. If you want to know about the SJVC program and your on the Visalia campus just ask one of us, we are the ones in white polo's and most of us pretty much live on campus M-F.


Don't worry bout the degree so much as doing your absolute best in your current studies as well as your prereq work. In the valley there are not shortages of jobs and I'm pretty sure the piece of paper you hang on the wall won't matter as much as the one that says you can put that C behind PA. Good luck in your pursuits.

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All I can say is check around and learn about each school individually. I for one would almost kill to get into SJVC. In fact they are my 1st choice at this point. If you can get the BA before you start PA school then you can complete the MMS through St. Francis like was mentioned. If you don't get the BA before then you can apply to AT Still after PA school and get their MPAS by qualifying as a "BA equivalent". That is considering you get PA-C certified. That essentially allows you to skip over the BA. So get the BA if you can. If you cant just focus on being competitive enough to get into PA school.

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CraigK: Are you a SJVC PA Student? PM me your Sjvc email...i have questions :) I am attending SJVC for their MA certficate program and i LOVE it. Cant wait to go tthere for the PA.


So Cal PA: I already have my BA in Psychology.


Which reminds me, I have a quesitons about some of the prgram requiremnts...like for SJVC, you are required to take cultureal anthro? I have my BA in Psych...all the other pre-reqs i have, except that...is that okay? I have been averaging 97-99% in my classes at SJVC for two mods now in my MA program. The teachers know me well.

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