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Introduction and Questions

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Hello all,


I am an active duty Navy Nurse who is presently working in critical care. I have another two and a half years on my commitment; after that I would like to transfer into the army national guard and use my GI bill to pay for PA school. I don't really want to go to NP school - I feel that PA school would better prepare me to be an excellent midlevel clinician. I also want to join the Army for various reasons, mainly I am really impressed with the role of PA's in the army. You guys are out there with the medics while us wimpy docs and nurses are hiding in our field hospitals, I really respect that and want to be a part of it. I also just want to be a soldier, sort of an intrinsic reward type thing.


1 My question is how soon should I start working with AMEDD recruiters from the texas national guard? A year or two out from the end of my ADSO?


2 I assume that I will first have to transfer into the national guard nurse corps, then after school transfer into the medical specialty corps - is this correct?


3 Only one issue I have is in highschool I got a herniated disc and some DDD. They ended up taking away my West Point appointment, but I tried again a few years later with the Navy direct appointment and they waivered me no problem. Should this be a problem when trying to transfer? (even if I were to have several deployments to afghanistan under my belt with residual issues?)


Any other advice is greatly appreciated.

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