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Trouble with PANCE studying motivation?

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I am taking the PANCE next week and have very little motivation to study! I just finished my progam a few weeks ago and have been doing about 2-3 hours per day of studying.  Right now it's just about 100 Rosh review questions per day.  I usually review the feedback from each question and will go on to do some other reading on the topic if I still have questions.  Beyond that, any attempts I make are pretty useless.


I am generally a pretty good test taker - I did well on the packrats 157 and 173 for years 1 and 2, but I did struggle a bit with the EORs, getting mid 70s to low 80s.


Anyone have any useful studying tactics to make it more interesting?  Is anyone else having the same trouble as me???

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Focus your study --- don't just study "everything".   almost 30% of your test is CV and pulm -- so that should be your focus.

What does everyone ignore?   EENT  which is 30 Q's and could be the difference between PASS and FAIL.


DO NOT study the coag cascade --- relearn acid-base --- or spend time trying to relearn reading ECG's.  


Study the DRUGS --- Cardio drugs, Asthma acute and chronic mgmt. meds, antimicrobials, psych/neuro drugs  --- almost 20% of your test will be drugs.


So have a plan -- your PACKRAT scores are superb -- so you will pass --- but in the meantime, with the time left -- just focus.  Just doing random Q's does not help improve your score.


The very best of luck to you!   (You should have no problem at all :)

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