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Do P.A. School Care Whether You Graduated From Community College?

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I'm currently a Junior. I've graduated from a 2-year school earning my associates degree. Now, I'm considering attending community college for my bachelors. My question is, will community college look 'bad' on my applications to P.A. school? I would rather attend a 4-Year state university, but I may not be able to due to financial issues.


Also, I'm located in Illinois if that matters at all.


Edit: Just realized I posted this in the wrong section. Can someone move it please & thank you.

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I was always under the impression that no, it should not matter. It did not matter for the school I applied to and was accepted at. However, I personally brought more to the table than just a GPA...my point is that of the 140 (or so) PA programs out there, there is a wide spectrum of "may or may not" gray area. You may get a better response if you go into the State specific forum on this site and find the schools you are wanting to apply to, and ask the students who applied to those particular schools...or just contact the school directly.


The CC I got my pre reqs through all had professors who worked at the 4 year down the road and were moonlighting at the CC...same professors, same programs, far less money.

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I'm a little confused. From my understanding, a person cannot receive a bachelor's from a community college. There shouldn't be a problem getting your pre-reqs done at a CC, but you should call the PA schools you're looking at to find out. If the PA programs require a Bachelor's, however, you're going to need to attend the 4 year school to get it.

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Some schools care. Some don't. Calling the programs you are interested in is TCR.


Also, crystal, some CCs are now offering Bachelors degrees. So this is going to become a more common question here. Hopefully the schools will make their positions clear on their websites.


I know a friend of mine got his BA in engineering from a CC. Got a $60K a year job in Washington afterwards too.

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Interesting...not sure why I haven't heard of that yet. That's pretty great, though...I would have liked to have paid CC tuition to get my Bachelor's. I'm assuming that means they'll have upper level courses as well? Either way, calling PA schools to get their opinion on CCs is the best bet.


I feel like every pre-PA should find that out first thing: since PA schools are far from being standardized as far as pre-reqs/expectations go, the solution is almost always to call the school to find out what they think.

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