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Pcp versus specialty

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How many out there have been PCP as a PA? How was your experience with your SP, any Glass ceiling to look out for?


Or has anyone switched from a specialty to a PCP? Please compare the experience as relates to SP and Pt relates and limits of care.


I am starting PA school this fall and I think I want to be a pediatric PCP, but I have heard negative feedback from Doctors and the Medical public at large. It seems that PA are more accepted in certain Specialties than PCP care. Just want more perspective!!!


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I'm starting PA school in a few weeks. In SW Ohio, PA's and NP's are very accepted in primary care: family practice, internal medicine, and pediatrics. In my PCP's office there is 1 DO, 1 PA, and 1 NP. They all see the same sorts of patients. I shadowed the PA and she stated that she probably only needs to consult with the doc 2-3 times/year (she has about 8 years experience). She does have the doc sign off on the sched II prescriptions, forms for handicapped license plates, etc. That takes the form of: hey doc, sign this, scribbled signature.....


The other data point I have is that I teach at University Hospital. In chatting with many docs during ACLS courses, they often say that they think PA's are the future of primary care. This is coming from surgeons, specialists, etc.


If you can, chat with pediatricians in your area for their perspective. Or, check different pediatric practices' web sites and see how many PA's & NP's they have. Bet there's a fair number.

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