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Research, what to do??

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I am an RN.  I have 7 years HCE and I finally got the opportunity to move into an OR position.  I'm going through the internship program.  I adore it.  I had originally thought of going CRNA, but honestly, I lost my interest in that when each rotation through the OR, the CRNA is/was mostly reading their phone.  I know the money is good, but ... they look whack-bored.  Also, I'm not a big fan of spending time in the ICU (CRNA req) as a close relative just passed away after several months in one. I know that's an issue I need to address, but right now, ICU looks like the worst-place-ever to me because of such a recent emotional rollercoaster with his care and subsequent death.


My peers and supervisors have suggested I pursue CRNFA (first assist) because of my high interest in surgery.  This is where I'm hesitating.  It's surgery that I love and every PA I've known has been via the OR.  They are IN THERE, doing what they do (mostly Ortho) and loving it (I think).  They do not look bored.  I have not seen many RNFAs so I have next to nothing to compare it to.  (Not seeing many also makes me hesitant to become one!)


My focus is surgical.  But, I have a broad background and I still love birth, too.  I've read a few threads here, so far, that talk about the opportunities to "change specialities" by changing who you work with.  I have a supportive family who was already expecting me to go for an APRN and there is a school nearby that has a PA program, so the time in school/money spent is expected.


I'm mostly interested in knowing what the comparisons are between CRNFA and PA, surgically, and if it really is as easy as finding a new doctor to work with to change specialties should I want a change.  Also, I haven't found anything on pay.  While I'm not looking to make what I know CRNAs make,  I can't seem to find basic info on what a PA in surgery would make.  I don't want to sink money into school and not be looking at a raise in some significant form.  Also, how hard is it to find a job?  I'm in VA, if that helps.



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