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PANCE/PANRE review material for sale

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Hello! Just found out I passed my PANCE yesterday and wanted to sell some of my review material that I found to be very helpful while studying.


1. CME Resources 3-day binder + two practice tests (answers marked with pencil) offered during course with answer key = $150

I took the course right after I graduated and found myself referencing the material within the binder numerous times while studying.  I thought the practice tests were very useful also and gave a good gauge as to what I would score on the actual exam as well as the type of questions I would see on the exam. 


2. LANGE Q&A Physician Assistant examination, 6th edition / CD included -- $40

Used this book to target subjects I were weak in.


3. Davis's PA exam review book: focused review for PANCE and PANRE /CD included -- $30

Really enjoyed the format of this book and used this book mostly during my last week of studying.  Gave very good tips that were helpful during the exam. 


4. JB review: Physician assistant review guide -- $40

Had great colored illustrations throughout the book and was also used to target subjects I were weak in. 


Payment: paypal only please!

Shipment: medial mail included in price or priority mail for extra 


If you end up buying all the materials together, I can lower the price to $240 for all. 


Please e-mail me at wowitschewy@gmail.com if you are interested! Thanks!

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I just recently passed the PANCE and am selling the material I used (and found extremely helpful).


1. HIPPO - for $230.00     (Original price is >$500)

- I used an assortment of review material but I absorbed 100% more information from HIPPO simply because its very engaging and VERY high-yield!


2. Davis's PA book and CD with more than 1,300 questions - for $35

- This has been stated numerous times on this forum but I will repeat it for anyone who hasn't taken the PANCE... I truly believe if you review this book from cover to cover and go through the multiple choice questions on the CD - you will pass the PANCE without any trouble. 

- I found the questions on the CD to be VERY similar to the PANCE questions and this could be due to the fact the author of this review book also writes questions for NCCPA. 


3. I also have about 8 OLD packrat questions which I will email to you for free - $0


Payment:  Paypal 


Shipment:  FREE GROUND shipping for book and HIPPO login provided via email upon payment. 


Contact:  sunnygill_10@hotmail.com


And if you have any questions in particular about the PANCE I am more than happy to answer them!

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