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Questions before reserving a seat

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Okay. So I have been blessed to have been accepted at a fine PA program. Are there any questions that you were glad you asked before you sealed the deal? Or any that you wished you would have asked before you put down your deposit?

Just want to cover my bases and would hate to have any regrets about not asking something I should have.

Any responses are appreciated.


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If it's your first school I'd accept just to be safe.  I accepted 3 seats, one refunded $400, the other I lost $500.  Didn't have the money to do that, but no regrets, because it helped me make the best decision.


Unless you hate the school and it was just a safety school and you're confident you'll get in elsewhere, you should accept and put it on a credit card.  As (or if) you get other offers, then is time to make decisions.

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Congrats on being accepted!


If I was having a hard time deciding between 2 acceptances, I would take time to find out more about:


1. Remediation policies

2. Attrition rates

3. 1st PANCE pass rates

4. Clinical rotations (sites, how they're setup, feedback from alumni)

5. Total cost (including cost of living if relocating).

6. Scholarship and funding programs sponsored by the school.

7. Most of all, what faculty and program structure fit me the best


Not in any particular order.


I know that some people in my class had multiple acceptances and were offered some sweet deals that they turned down (one of them an $80K scholarship). 

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