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In person review course- CME resources or Certified medical educators?

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Hey! i know this has been discussed several times before but I'm unsure as to if people realize that these are 2 different courses.. Also, trying to get feedback from anyone who has done both and which would they recommend?

I am trying to get an understanding of which is better the mycme course or the one by certified medical educators? Also, 3 vs 5 day?


cme resources- there are both 3 day and 5 day courses


certified medical educators- there are several 3 days but only one 5 day course a year..


Please any info about this is appreciated.. Thanks

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i just took CME resources 5 days (note that 3 day course binder is thinner and not the same info volume covered in 3 days and its more intense. ) 5 days is also hard and you have to make sure you take exams each day and submit for grading otherwise they will waive their statement about money refund if you fail.

I did not study much after the board review and passed 1st attempt and scored well. Took pance 5 days later after the course. I never was able to study on my own thats why i took the course it forces you to stay focused and the speakers are great. They keep you interested and remind you that the goal is to pass pance and not to practice medicine. THey prepare you for the exam

I did learn some new info i never learned during didactic or on rotations but 95 percent info was smth that you learned and know it...thats why its a review course. I did feel confident before the course or after so thats smth that you will not learn during the review course:-) confidence, time management, anxiety all play a role on your big day. You also can take NCCPA exams and see how well you do and may be you don't need the review anth before actual pance if your bar all the way to the green mark:-) i highly recommend doint it before or after review course. its 35 dollars each exam and you can take 2 pance and 1 panre if you are scheduled to take pance. GOod luck!

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