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Analytical Writing GRE - crucial??

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Several schools I have researched don't even include a minimal score for the analytical portion of the GRE or even mention it.


I recently took the GRE, did decent on the verbal and quantitative portions, but feel like I bombed the analytical writing portion.


How important is the analytical writing score? What should be the minimum? Like I said, lots of schools I am applying to don't include it in their admissions requirements, just the QR and V. It still has to count for something though, right? Is there a baseline?

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Guest MedLib42

Most of the schools I applied to asked for all scores to be 50% or higher across the board (verbal, quant, and writing), which I believe would be at least a 4.0, and I hear that's fairly common. However, I've heard some schools do place the most emphasis on verbal and quantitative, so if you got less than a 4.0, I wouldn't worry yet - I'd recommend contacting the schools you're applying to and specifically asking if they have a minimum writing score requirement, and if they place as much weight on writing as other sections.

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