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New job questions ... Please help!

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Okay so still sort of new grad...I started a job that is not working and have been there about 2 weeks. Now i found what seems like the job of my dreams, and am unsure if I can get away with leaving out that I ever worked at that job ( dont want to seem like i am a bad employee). The job i am at now is not working for the number one reason that I do not trust the doctor I work for, the doctors ways go against much what I have learned and i just do not feel comfortable practicing what I dont beleive is true medicine. So anyway, going to meet with potential (keeping my fingers crossed) new employer, and was wondering if it is possible to leave out this recent job and still call myself a new grad? I already have npi and dea, and am not sure if it is possible to have these things without having been employeed? Do you get a new dea if you change practices? After the "credentialing process", is there anyway that a new employer will find out I already was emplyeed once they begin my credentialing? Thanks for any help!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I may be too late but will offer my 2 cents. Regarding DEA, I doubt any prospective employer is going to check associated practices to your name. That being said, did you or your current employer pay the $731 fee? Do you have a contract? Are you responsible to pay this back &/or other fees paid? You can change any info on YOUR DEA # @ any time (after you have left the practice...) @:

https://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/ website.


I would be honest. That's just who I am. Briefly explain YOU made a mistake (jumped on 1st offer, thought peds was your calling, or whatever - just don't bad mouth the doc, the practice, etc. Don't do it, even if the 'dream employer' says something like, "oh I've heard about Dr. Bad Guy". You can respond, "it just wasn't a good fit". If you say, '...he doesn't practice true medicine' - I guarantee, 'dream doc' will have lots of questions for you. Express that you would need to give appropriate notice (whatever your contract indicates or @ least 2 wks if not specified). If this blows your chances, express your appreciation for being considered & request that they keep you in mind for future opportunities.


Now, on to this 'dream job'. Why is it a 'dream job'? Is it because you are miserable in your current situation? Have you really checked the docs & practice out? Have you spoken with current or former PAs/NPs? If not - find them from the practice website, then go to FB, LinkedIn - or any other creative networking outlet & listen to what they have to say (being careful...never know if one of them is married to the 'dream doc'...or about to get fired & know it). When you do interview - express a desire to shadow for no less than a day...2 is better. Observe everything you can - from front staff, administration, etc. If things work out & you are offered the position - take a deep breath, along with your new contract to a lawyer. Well worth the several hundred $.

Good luck! Don't regret this 1st position. You've learned valuable lessons.

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