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Sharing a discount on point-of-care app

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I wanted to share a helpful resource for all of you like me who have been looking for a good point of care reference for your phone/iPad.


I'm one of a few PAs who have been testing out an app called AgileMD. They have an outpatient medicine handbook that’s written by UCSF, which I now use on the daily for looking up bread-and-butter topics in clinic.


In general, i'm a pretty big skeptic when it comes to apps because there are a lot of bad/not useful ones out there. I think this one is different though. As a reference tool, it’s thorough enough to get all the key points and be way more legit than looking stuff up on Wikipedia, but at the same time a lot more concise than Up-to-Date. While its topic selection is not as comprehensive as I’d want it to be, it’s really convenient for almost all common stuff


They gave testers like myself a promo code to get a big discount on the handbook and I found out that they actually don’t seem to track who uses it (my friend used it and it worked for him yesterday). So, thought I’d pass it on to whomever wants to use it.




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