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appropriate job interview questions

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When I interviewed for oncology for the VA years ago, the questions asked by the PA interviewing me were along the lines of describing basic symptoms and asking what I thought the diagnosis was. They also wanted to make sure I understood the importance of psychosocial factors in treating the patient, because they do matter. If you have a decent internal medicine background, you should do ok. Emphasize how eager you are to learn oncology, because most places like to train you their way. Do not pretend to know more than you do. Admit that you are pretty much a blank slate in oncology. I knew next to no heme/onc back then, but they hired me because I was a self-starter, eager for a change from primary care, and willing to put in the time and hours to learn. I put in many 12+ hours per day in the beginning, staying after to read up on various things I had seen. There is a very steep learning curve the first six months. But it is infinitely rewarding. Good luck, let us know how it goes. Also, if there are certain things you want to learn, like bone marrow biopsies or blood smears, ask. Also ask what the eventual expectations are for autonomy.

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