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CASPA Narrative Question

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Towards the end of my undergrad I was forced to withdrawal completely in back-to-back semesters due to the deaths of 3 close family members, followed by a serious bout with depression. My question is, should I include an explanation for this in my CASPA narrative? Or should I just wait and explain the details in the individual applications to each school? Thanks in advance

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Towards the end of my undergrad I was forced to withdrawal completely in back-to-back semesters due to the deaths of 3 close family members, followed by a serious bout with depression. My question is, should I include an explanation for this in my CASPA narrative? Or should I just wait and explain the details in the individual applications to each school? Thanks in advance

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That is definitely something to address in your PS. Be sure not to turn it into a pity party--explain what happened, that it does not reflect your usual academic performance(hopefully), and how it has (hopefully for the better)made you who you are today. Leave it at that and move on to the more positive stuff.

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That is definitely something to address in your PS. Be sure not to turn it into a pity party--explain what happened, that it does not reflect your usual academic performance(hopefully), and how it has (hopefully for the better)made you who you are today. Leave it at that and move on to the more positive stuff.

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