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http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324373204578376863506224702.html?mod=WSJ_article_comments#articleTabs=article In today’s WSJ, an article called, “When Email Is Part of the Doctor’s Treatment” caught my attention. Texting has bothered me for quite sometime and this is just one more reason. Texting: is NOT having a real conversation with someone. Can you hear me? It is NOT! Can you hear me now? Mind you it does seems to be the norm these days and personally it makes me sad. But why is it so hard these days to actually pick up the phone and talk or better yet see someone and have a face to face meaningful conversation? Are we just too busy these days?! Are we so lazy? If texting is the way to go because we (medical personal and patient) are too busy to take few minutes of our time to talk then we ALL loose. Read the article and you tell me are we just THAT busy?

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http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324373204578376863506224702.html?mod=WSJ_article_comments#articleTabs=article In today’s WSJ, an article called, “When Email Is Part of the Doctor’s Treatment” caught my attention. Texting has bothered me for quite sometime and this is just one more reason. Texting: is NOT having a real conversation with someone. Can you hear me? It is NOT! Can you hear me now? Mind you it does seems to be the norm these days and personally it makes me sad. But why is it so hard these days to actually pick up the phone and talk or better yet see someone and have a face to face meaningful conversation? Are we just too busy these days?! Are we so lazy? If texting is the way to go because we (medical personal and patient) are too busy to take few minutes of our time to talk then we ALL loose. Read the article and you tell me are we just THAT busy?

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