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Career Change from Engineering with kids?

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I am currently an engineer. I have made some progress in my career over but due to the bad economy my job market is poor now. I am a married mom with two kids ages 5 & 2 & one on the way.


PA school appeals to me for the same reason engineering did- I like science. Also, it appeals to me because I would like to have more interaction with people during my day vs my current job where I do a lot of computer work.


My questions are:


1. Are there any other engineers out there who made this same switch? How hard was the curriculum compared to engineering?


2. Other moms- How hard was PA school with kids? What kind of a schedule did you have?


3. Starting salary- My research shows that average salary for PAs is $80-120K, but what is the current starting salary? I live in WA for reference.


Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer these.

I was an engineer before I went to PA school. The program is doable for an engineer with the right prerequisites but (a) there is more memorization than I remember in engineering school (especially, for me, anatomy) and (b) the material comes much faster since there is so much of it to learn in your didactic year.


Here is a link to a book I wrote about the experience: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1479372099/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk


As far as the mom angle and local salaries, I would suggest taking a day off and shadowing a local PA. Doing just that one thing will teach you more than sitting around and thinking about it.


A student I precepted is a mom and finishing up her program this year. I gather she doesn't mix much with the rest of the students, given the demands on her time.


Good luck!


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