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Canadian [Ontario Primarily] PA Scope of Practice - Can They Even Work in Clinics?

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I ran across this research paper- important to note it's from 2005 though. It's very worrisome and I'm hoping things have changed since then, especially for Ontario:


" In Canada, the majority of family practitioners still work in a fee for service environment.

This is proving to be another barrier to the introduction of PAs to physician offices. Most

collective agreements between the physicians and the governments do not permit third

party payments for medical services. In other words, the physician must actually see the

patient and perform the procedures in order to bill provincial healthcare plans, thus

eliminating any potential benefit of introducing an extender into the practice team. "



So basically, family physicians won't bother employing PAs because they won't get paid for it? Is this correct currently, or have things changed? Tell me something good, please.


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