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9 hours of behavioral sci... killing me.

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so most schools require 9 sh of psych/soc. I clep tested a couple, and the transcripts are taking a long time. Currently I have AP psych showing up as Psych 201 (a non-existent course) from my undergrad institution, I have general psych from a CC, and I have a Clep test in Sociology on the CC transcript. All the course codes are different, and it adds to 9. I am waiting on developmental psych CLEP scores to show up, and it may take a long time (two weeks) to get them to CASPA. Should I just go ahead and send it? AP psych and general psych seem too similar. Anyone have experience with this kind of thing? I had originally planned to have gen psych, soc, and dev. psych. Completely forgot about the AP credit.

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I had a very similar problem when I applied this cycle. Only one of the schools I applied to actually wanted the transcript sent directly from Prometric. The rest of the schools had no issue with my CLEP classes, however, they were accepted by my undergraduate institution so they were already on a transcript. I would say to go ahead and submit it and if CASPA needs further verification, they'll contact you.

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im guessing schools see the 9 hours, and its more of a checkbox than anything else. Im just hoping they wont think the AP and gen psych is the same thing, and exclude me from the cycle.. and it takes so long cause i have to send CLEP to the CC, then to CASPA. man its killing me. im done with everything else except that

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