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Seeking Advice on Addressing Transcript Discrepancies Due to Medical Situation

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Hello everyone,

I find myself in a challenging situation and would appreciate any input or advice you might have. I was dismissed from a program previously due to not meeting the required GPA, which was impacted by a medical situation that hindered my academic success. Currently, my situation is under litigation, and I am awaiting a response from the program.

The proposed resolution involves retroactively declaring a medical leave for my final semester, resulting in all course grades being changed to W's. However, my current transcript still displays some C's. If I submit applications to other programs now, they will see these grades. While the intention is to have them changed to W's, the process might not be completed in time.

On the other hand, if I wait until the resolution is finalized, there's a risk that I may miss out on program opportunities as they might already be full.

I'm torn between the urgency of applying now and the potential benefit of waiting for a finalized transcript. Has anyone faced a similar situation or have any insights to share? Your input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

A dilemma. From what you said, it is not a foregone conclusion that your old program will ever change your grades from Cs to Ws so I don't see how you change that for now.

In general it is easier to get back into your old program than get into a new one. They may be out there but, other than a program closing down, I've not met anyone who changed from one program to another. And, if you're suing your old program, that may be a bridge burnt.

I wish you the best of luck. Maybe someone else out here has some ideas for you.

Thanks for your response!

Do programs count science courses that are not part of prerequisite courses (in my case, these would be the PA school graduate courses, as anatomy, pharm...) towards your science GPA?

If so, I drop from having had a prePA school science GPA of 3.9 to a science GPA of 3.0, due to a couple of Bs and Cs.

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