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Thoughts on my below average GRE

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So I took the GRE 2 days ago and I did a little worse than I would have liked 

149-Verbal, and 146 quant

My application details. I went to a state college for the first 2 years and transferred to UF 

cumulative GPA: ~3.5

science GPA: ~3.2


Pharmacy tech - 2000+ hours

Phlebotomist - 1000+ hours

Health Department- contact tracer/epidemiology- 3500+ hours

(currently)Medical assistant - ~500+ hours

Im very nervous about applying to schools. Especially since I hacked my list of prospective schools considerably since I didn’t meet the 300 GRE minimum a lot of schools look for. Does anyone think I would be prescreened due to falling short of the 300 GRE benchmark? With that being my first attempt and it already being June I’m already done with my application but concerned that I may need to retake it. But with how busy I am, I do not have much time to dedicated to the studying ATM for a retake and still apply at a reasonable time.  curious of others thoughts. 



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The one thing to remember is that a minimum doesn't mean you get a good shot if you exceed it. It means that below that minimum, they're not going to bother to look at your application at all.  The science GPA being 0.3 lower than cGPA is another issue that might torpedo (or at least hinder) your application. Your experience looks fine.

But, nothing you can do now.  You either apply soon, or you wait another year.

If you don't get in, not only should you work on your sGPA--and really, BCP in specific if possible--but also consider something, like a Romance language if you've never taken one, which will help improve your GRE verbal. Spanish would be the obvious choice for demonstrating interest in underserved populations.

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