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Needing a mentor/ someone to vent to. Anyone else?

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Hey all. I am a new grad UC provider and feel the job is going well overall. However, I do feel isolated as I don't work with many other providers and all my friends from PA school are in other states of fields of medicine. I've made a few mistakes and often have questions that I want to run by someone but I often feel like I don't have someone to go to. Anyone else feel like this?

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All the time dude. I’m lucky I have my dad who practiced medicine, but I hate bugging him. 

Even minor mistakes or “could’ve missed” (how could I have not considered polychondritis [incidence of 1 per 3.5 million] on that ear pain! it’s not that, but I should’ve thought of it!) that don’t impact care have a way of eating at you, at least they do me.

as a blanket statement, you need to learn to forgive yourself. You’re human doing the best you can working with the most complex, mysterious, and high risk system in existence, trying to keep it in proper running order using complex biological and chemical interactions. You are worthy of grace.

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32 years in and I often feel this way. Mistakes happen and I can recall all my biggest ones. We all make them.

When I started in medicine I lost sleep if I could find a way to make every abnormal lab value normal. That's inexperience. It comes with time and a smart old PA, when I was accepted to PA school, told me it takes about 3 years to  get your head out of your butt and start practicing good medicine. I think that is pretty close to true even now.

I'm more worried about a new grad who think he/she has the world by the ears. They are more dangerous than someone with some personal insight and self accountability.

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20 + years in 

just made a call in a patient that turns out not to be the best for that patient 

worry. Sleep interruptions now for few nights.  Reflection. Coming to gripe with it.  Learning.  All part of the “practice” of medicine. 

honestly feel bad for you. Stranded in UC is no where for new grad.  Reach out to peers to talk it through.  

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