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Any advice appreciated (even if it's quit)

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Hi all,

I would like some feedback on what I've done so far. In my opinion I am currently a mess of an applicant. 

- Gen Bio 1 'C'

- Gen Bio 1 Lab 'B'

-Gen Bio 2 'B-'

-Gen Bio 2 Lab 'B'

-Gen Chem 1 'B+'

-Gen Chem 1 Lab 'B+'

-Gen Chem 2 'C+'

-Gen Chem 2 retake 'B+'

-Gen Chem 2 Lab 'C'

-Gen Chem 2 Lab retake could be anywhere from a B+ to an A. The professor hasn't posted my grade yet.

-Anatomy & Physiology 1 'B'

-Anatomy & Physiology 2 'A'

-Microbiology 'A' 

-General Physiology 'B+'

-Orgo 1 swapped C+ for CR grade (pandemic)

-Orgo 2 'B-'

-Biochemistry 1 'D'

-Biochemistry 1 retake 'B+'

- 11 'W' grades 

-Overall GPA: 3.26

-Science GPA: 2.92 (not including "Physics for Everyone" and "Intro to Computational Physics Laboratory, two classes I am not sure will be counted as sciences)

-Science GPA: 2.99 (including "Physics for Everyone" and 'Intro to Computational Physics Laboratory"


At this point my plan is to take CNA classes, work as a CNA while retaking more classes and take Genetics for the first time and apply again (I will be a second time applicant) after the science GPA goes up a bit. How does that sound?






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Retake general bio, easy. Genetics yes. Maybe take physics 1&2. Cardiopulm, endocrinology, need more classes to boost your science GPA. What’s up with the numerous withdrawals? Do you have healthcare experience? Only do CNA if you know you can study and get A’s in your subsequent courses. Perhaps work prn. Would hold off for a year minimum before applying again. If no prior healthcare experience, get your grades up and work for 1-2 yrs. 

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It's not a great start, that's for sure, and I don't think your self-assessment is too far off.  But remember--being a mess of an applicant is different than being a mess of a person. There is no such thing as "I can never get into PA school" unless you're actually serving time for felony abuse of vulnerable people or something. @ANESMCR's advice is solid.

You need to come across on paper and in person as someone your adcom would want to be treating their elderly (grand)parents or infant (grand)child. Those grades don't inspire confidence, but that's not all that's going on.  You need sufficient public/community service to demonstrate that you've got at least a bit of altruism. You need grades that suggest you can handle the science.  You need experience that suggests you know what you're getting into. Finally, you need letters of recommendation that say precisely the same thing.

It may take a few years to get from where you are to where you want to be, but it's not an impossible journey, just a potentially long one.

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